Case Studies

An in-depth look at Linqage International's work.


From innovation to market

When our firm identified the potential of using Virtual Reality technology in the training environment, our firm partnered with a major developer to create a Virtual Reality training capability and successfully marketed the capability to major Australian organisations in the mining and transport sectors. Our firm:

The outcome was the successful commercialisation of a new technology that benefited both the client and the industry.


When a defence client required timely action to ensure the early introduction into service of key piece of capital equipment, they approached our consultants to assist. Our consultants:

The outcome was the successful completion of a complex acquisition process within a compacted time frame and below budget cost.

Our consultants have specific and detailed knowledge in the development of cost models utilised to assess defence tenders.

Commercial & legal

Linqage International is unusual as our consultants specialising in commercial and legal areas have significant business experience, including experience in the protection of intellectual property. It enables our firm to provide commercial and legal advice that supports the business outcomes required.

Many firms specialising in the provision of commercial and legal advice are of the view that legal and commercial requirements should drive the business process. At Linqage International, we believe that commercial and legal services should support not drive the business.

To assist in the realisation of business opportunities for our clients, we provide specialist commercial and legal negotiation services and assistance in the preparation of the essential agreements and documentation required to formalise both local and international business arrangements. Linqage lnternational's select client base has benefited from our analysis, planning and implementation capability, having been provided with demonstrable returns.

Resource Management

Improving competitiveness

When a large resources company sought to improve their efficiency, they engaged Linqage International to review their operation. Our firm:

The outcome was a leaner more efficient operation that was internationally competitive.


When six Councils in a capital city wished to identify, analyse and detail their light rail public transport requirements, they engaged Linqage International to assist in developing a Strategy and Plan. Our firm:

The outcome was a Strategy and Plan that was owned by the Councils, that was embraced by key influencers, and is being progressively implemented.


When the owners of an iconic retailer decided that they would like to migrate out of the business, Linqage International assisted in the process. Our firm:

The outcome was successful migration of the owners out of the business and a sale on favourable terms.

Tourist & heritage rail

When a rural community sought to improve its economic viability through the provision of a heritage rail service to be operated in support of major events, they approached Linqage International to assist. Our firm:

The outcome is a heritage rail operation that adds to the viability of the remote community.

The diversity of our consultants knowledge, experience and skills enabled our firm to develop a conservative but achievable Plan that addressed critical governance, commercial, legal, organisational, regulatory, personnel and operational issues. Our firm has successfully undertaken more assignments in this area that any other consultancy globally.


Linqage International has experience in working with individuals and organisations seeking to identify, quantify and develop tourism opportunities. The projects with which our firm has been involved include:

Our firm also has unique experience in progressing privately funded community based. An example is given below.

When a group of classic car owners wished to establish a privately funded museum to showcase their vehicles to the community, they sought assistance from Linqage International. Our firm:

The outcome was the successful establishment of a hallmark tourist attraction that has become an internationally renowned classic car museum. The museum is commercially viable and adds significantly to the tourism product in the region. The success of the venture has resulted in plans now being implemented to double the exhibition space.